A simple card, a heartfelt message bringing joy and connection to seniors, one note at a time
About Love in Letters
In 2025, our founder came to a realization that many residents in senior living and memory care facilities are either no longer in contact with their family or simply are alone. Although many residents have friends in the facilities, they feel alone. Love in Letters was founded to change that, the letters that are mailed are sent out to numerous senior living and memory care facilities in the United States. Providing a little sense of belonging to those who feel alone.
Donating is one of the biggest ways you can contribute to our project! Donations are split among buying art and hospital supplies, shipping letters and boxes, and extra expenses!
These boxes are collected and given to residents during Valentine’s Day, resident birthdays, and Christmas. Each box will be hand-delivered to each resident.
The cards created are given to residents in the middle of every month! Every resident per facility will receive a hand-delivered card through our founder and local volunteers.
The best way to help with our project is through donations. These donations are used to provide treats, activities, and supplies to residents and the facilities we work with.